I believe all of the Democratic candidates understand the problems with corporate pizza lobbyists. These lobbyists work to keep Americans bloated with high calorie, low flavor pizza that is frozen from a factory or delivered to your door from some chain pizza restaurant that can't provide any nutritional value.
The situation continues to worsen each day the pizza lobby has a friendly face in the white house. "Supermarket sales have increased more than 60 percent during the past five years, with 2006 sales topping $3.3 billion, officials from the National Frozen Pizza Institute said." (Washington Times March '07). We truly need a candidate whose loyalties are with the Grassroots Pizza Movement.
Hillary claims to have a 3 point plan to get healthier pizza to Americans, I'm still yet to see such a plan. Before Edwards dropped out, he proclaimed the urgent need to keep pizza factories open and their workers employed, however we have a firm stance against factory pizza.
My search for a candidate ended last week when I learned that the Junior Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama hosted a pizza party at his campaign offices in May 2007.

Apparently Barack eats his slices two at a time, starting with the crust (see picture above). This clear dedication to pizza is why I am officially endorsing Barack Obama for president.
In standard Barack fashion, he eloquently explained the importance of the Grassroots Pizza Movement, “If you had a whole pizza, and your friend had no pizza, would you give him a slice?”. Yes we would Barack, yes we would.
1 comment:
I would like to know why I didn't get invited to this amazing presidential pizza party. doesn't my vote count? Where are my delegates? I would like my delegate to take the form of a cheesy-mushroom pizza. thank you.
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